



Farm Services / Plaas Dienste


Public Announcement from Trimble Authorised Importers and Dealers for Southern Africa (Ronin PPFS and CNH)

It is evident that non-authorised parties are illegitimately importing and distributing Trimble/CNH Grey Products within the Southern Africa 
market place. These products are mostly the Trimble Ez-Guide 250, CFX 750 and FMX displays and under the CNH Branding the Ez-Guide 
250, FM750 and FM1000. For their own protection users are cautioned to confirm whether the seller supports any warranties and is an  
authorised Re-seller of Trimble products. Users are advised that Trimble agricultural products are only available through CNH Distribution 
partners as well as Ronin Authorised Resellers, and as such we are precluded from offering any warranties, repairs, after sales service, unlock 
signals and or renewing of signals on these illegitimately imported products.